Breakfast Meeting - Managing behaviour


How do we create an inclusive whole-school culture of exemplary behaviour and conduct for all children, including those with complex SEN and SEMH?

What steps can we take to support children dysregulated by trauma to avoid suspension / exclusion

Camden Learning Breakfast Meeting Programme 24-25

November 29th



How can we meet the most complex SEND needs through an adapted curriculum?

What does our inclusive classroom practice look like?


January 31st  


Designing and implementing a high-quality writing curriculum

How do we ensure that every child sees themselves as a writer?

How do we overcome the barriers?


February 28th  


Acland Burghley

Realising the potential for AI in education 

How can AI build capacity in teaching and learning?

What are the benefits and pitfalls to AI?

Can AI really support workload? 


March 28th


Innovative SEND practice

How can we innovate to cope with the challenges of adapting to the increasing number of SEND placements in a mainstream primary?  


April 25th 

Holy Trinity NW3

The delights and challenges of one - form entry schools.

How can we support each other through shared learning and partnerships?


May 23rd  


Primrose Hill

Embarking on Headship

What supports building the team?

What makes for a strong start in the improvement journey?  


June 27th


The Camden School for Girls

Curriculum Development Programme.

How do we build a culture of continuous improvement? 




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